Día del Niño is much like Mother or Father’s Day in the United States, but instead of honoring parents, this particular day celebrates children! After the League of Nations ratified the Declaration of Children’s Rights in 1924, countries around the world began celebrating Children’s Day, an important reminder of the value of children and their rights to health, education, family life, play, and more. Now this day is celebrated in more than 40 countries around the world, including Latin American countries like Bolivia (April 12), Paraguay (May 31), Ecuador (June 1), and Guatemala (October 1). Though Mexico has been officially celebrating since 1925, the very first recorded celebration is considered to have taken place in the state of Veracruz as far back as 1916!

For us here at Centro Hispano, our Día del Niño celebration on June 11th feels like a perfect opportunity to gather friends, make new ones, and have some good old-fashioned fun! Join us from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for music, dancing, delicious food, face painting, silly games, and more!